Posts Tagged ‘revelation from God’

To be a bad man, it is enough to be careless towards one’s wife or rude to ones mother as is stated about Buddha and Jesus in Buddhist scriptures and Gospels respectively

May 10, 2009

~Mirza Ghulam Ahmad – his conscience refuses to accept that Buddha behaved cruelly with his wife; similarly his righteous conscience refuses to accept the story in the Gospel that Jesus once showed no regard for his mother, that Jesus did not care for her when she came and called him, but instead uttered words insulting to her or Jesus was rude to his mother Mary.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908, the Promised Messiah, the Second Coming says:

Among the testimonies contained in Buddhist records is the evidence mentioned on page 419 of Buddhism by Oldenberg14. In this book, on the authority of the book named Mahawaga page 54, section 1, it is recorded that a successor to the Buddha would be a man called ‘Rahula’, described also as a disciple; nay, rather, his son. Now here I am emphatic that the ‘Rahula’ of Buddhistic records is the corrupt form of ‘Ruhullah’ which is one of Jesus’ titles.

The story, that this ‘Rahula’ was the son of the Buddha who, having abandoned the Child in his infancy, had gone into exile and who, with the intention of parting from his wife for good, had left her asleep without informing her or saying farewell to her, and had run away to some other land, is altogether absurd, senseless and derogatory to the greatness of the Buddha. Such a cruel and hard-hearted man who had no compassion for his poor wife, who left her asleep and, without saying a word of consolation to her, stole away like a thief; who ignored altogether the duties he owed to her as a husband — neither divorcing her nor asking her permission to go on a journey without end;

who gave a hard blow to her heart by disappearing suddenly, who pained her and did not send even a letter to her, till the son grew up to be a man, and who did not take pity on the infant — such a man who had no respect for the moral teaching he himself inculcated can never be a righteous person. My conscience refuses to accept this, just as it refuses to accept the story in the Gospel that Jesus once showed no regard for his mother, that he did not care for her when she came and called him, but instead uttered words insulting to her.

So although the stories about hurting the feelings of wife and mother have a certain mutual resemblance, yet we cannot ascribe stories, which connote a falling off from the ordinary standards of character to Jesus or to Gautama Buddha. If the Buddha loved not his wife, had he no pity on a poor woman and her suffering child either? This amounts to a serious lack of character; so serious that I have been pained to think of it after the lapse of hundreds of years. One fails to understand why he did all this.

To be a bad man, it is enough to be careless towards one’s wife — except that she might be immoral, disobedient or faithless and hostile to her husband. Hence, we cannot ascribe any such offensive behaviour to the Buddha; this being against even his own teachings. These circumstances therefore show that the story is wrong. In point of fact ‘Rahula’ refers to Jesus, whose other name is ‘Ruhullah’.

The word ‘Ruhullah’ in Hebrew becomes similar to ‘Rahula’, and the ‘Rhaula’, i.e., ‘Ruhullah’, has been called the disciple of the Buddha because, as I have already stated, of Jesus coming after him and bringing a teaching similar to the teaching of the Buddha, and because of the followers of the Buddhist faith declaring that the source of that teaching was the Buddha and that Jesus was one of his disciples.

It should not be surprising if the Buddha, on the basis of revelation from God, should declare Jesus to be his ‘son’. Another piece of circumstantial evidence is that in the same book it is recorded that when ‘Rahula’ was separated from his mother, a woman who was a follower of the Buddha and whose name was Magdaliyana, acted as a messenger. It would be noticed that the name Magdaliyana is in reality a corrupt form of Magdalene, a woman follower of Jesus mentioned in the Gospels.

All this evidence, which has been briefly set out, leads impartial people to the conclusion that Jesus must needs have come to this country, and, apart from all such clear evidence, no wise man can afford to disregard the similarity, to be found especially in Tibet, between the teaching and the ceremonial of Buddhism and Christianity. Nay, rather, there is such a striking resemblance between them that most Christian thinkers believe that Buddhism is the Christianity of the East, and Christianity the Buddhism of the West15.

It is strange indeed that just as Jesus says, ‘I am the Light and the Way’, the same is said by the Buddha; just as the Gospels call Jesus the Saviour, the Buddha too calls himself the Saviour (see Lalta Wasattara). In the Gospels it is stated that Jesus had no father, and with regard to the Buddha it is stated that in reality he was born without a father16, although apparently, just as Jesus had a father, Joseph, so had the Buddha a father.

It is also stated that a star rose at the time of the Buddha’s birth; there is also the story of Solomon ordering the cutting of the child in two halves and giving one of these halves to each of two women, which is found in the Buddha’s Jataka. This, apart from showing that Jesus has come to this country, also shows that the Jews of that country who had come to this land had developed connections with Buddhism.

Buddha, on the basis of revelation from God

September 19, 2008

Promised Messiah 1835-1908 says:

It should not be surprising if the Buddha, on the basis of revelation from God, should declare Jesus to be his ‘son’. Another piece of circumstantial evidence is that in the same book it is recorded that when ‘Rahula’ was separated from his mother, a woman who was a follower of the Buddha and whose name was Magdaliyana, acted as a messenger.

It would be noticed that the name Magdaliyana is in reality a corrupt form of Magdalene, a woman follower of Jesus mentioned in the Gospels.
All this evidence, which has been briefly set out, leads impartial people to the conclusion that Jesus must needs have come to this country, and, apart from all such clear evidence, no wise man can afford to disregard the similarity, to be found especially in Tibet, between the teaching and the ceremonial of Buddhism and Christianity.

Nay, rather, there is such a striking resemblance between them that most Christian thinkers believe that Buddhism is the Christianity of the East, and Christianity the Buddhism of the West.

It is strange indeed that just as Jesus says, ‘I am the Light and the Way’, the same is said by the Buddha; just as the Gospels call Jesus the Saviour, the Buddha too calls himself the Saviour (see Lalta Wasattara). In the Gospels it is stated that Jesus had no father, and with regard to the Buddha it is stated that in reality he was born without a father, although apparently, just as Jesus had a father, Joseph, so had the Buddha a father.

It is also stated that a star rose at the time of the Buddha’s birth; there is also the story of Solomon ordering the cutting of the child in two halves and giving one of these halves to each of two women, which is found in the Buddha’s Jataka. This, apart from showing that Jesus has come to this country, also shows that the Jews of that country who had come to this land had developed connections with Buddhism.

The story of Genesis as stated in books of the Buddhist faith has a great resemblance to the same story given in the Torah. Just as according to the Torah man is considered superior to woman, so, in the religion of the Buddha, a monk is considered superior to a nun.

Paarsurrey says:

I have been posting here for quite sometimes now. I have never made personal comments against anybody. I respect everybody and everybody’s religion. I sincerely believe and I am convinced with solid reasons that the Divine Guide or Second Coming of Christ has taken place in the metaphoric advent of Promised Messiah 1835-1908.

Promised Messiah 1835-1908 writes with the help of Holy Spirit/Angels and GodAllahYHWH has endowed him with wisdom and have spoken with him many a times. This wisdom is reflected in his writings, of which some you must have tasted through my posts.

Every Christian, Hindu and Jew is welcome to comment writings of the Promised Messiah 1835-1908 peacefully; and such comments will be displayed on my blog; and be a source of comparative study of religions by the searching souls for truth.

I am sure that nobody among Christians, Hindus and Jews is endowed from GodAllahYHWH, the power to exceed Promised Messiah 1835-1908 in truthful arguments, reasons, logic and rationality.

If they try; they will be ashamed of their blind faiths haded over to them by their peers through ages. They would realize that though their faiths were truthful in their origin – when revealed by God; yet their truth content has been diluted with time.

There is no harm if one tries to.

The comments will be free for everybody to see and the common conscience of humanity will be free to see through them and decide after due research as to where the truth lies. Everybody will be free to accept the truth wherever and wherefrom it comes; no compulsion whatsoever.

Peaceful comments are welcome here; even of those who differ with me.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

Jesus could never logically claim to be God

September 3, 2008

The Promised Messiah 1835-1908 says:

Impossible as it is, yet by way of argument let us assume that Jesus (peace be upon him) did claim to be God. In that case, for him to confine his beneficence to such a small circle as the House of Israel does not behove the magnanimity of God. Had he been God, was he God only for the House of Israel to the exclusion of all other nations? He is known to have suggested that he had no concern for those who did not belong to the House of Israel.

In short, the Jews and the Christians do believe that all Prophets and Messengers have been appearing from among them, and that Divine scriptures were revealed to them alone. Thereafter, according to the beliefs of the Christians, the institution of revelation and communion with God ended with Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) as though a seal had been set on the institution of revelation from God.

Unfortunately the Hindus of the Arya sect also entertain a similar belief. Like the Jews and Christians, who restrict the institution of Prophethood and Divine revelation exclusively to their people and deny the honour of Divine revelation to others, the Aryas also, unfortunately for the human race, have adopted the same doctrine. They too believe that the blessing of Divine communication was never bestowed to any people outside the domain of the Aryan race. Again it is India alone which, according to them, is exclusively blessed by God for the selection of the four ‘Rishis’ from its soil; it is Sanskrit alone, the language of the Vedas, which has always been the medium of instruction chosen by God. One can safely conclude from this, that both these nations do not consider God to be the Lord [Provident] of all the worlds.

Notwithstanding this, He is still proclaimed to be Lord of the Universe and not that of the Israelites or the Aryans alone. Moreover this strange behaviour of God, as presented by them, draws an image of God which is so partial that He appears unmindful of the rest of His creation. Thus, it is for the refutation of such erroneous views, that God commences the Holy Qur’an with the verse:

The Holy Quran : Chapter 1: Al-Fatihah
[1:2] All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds,

God also made it clear in several places in the Holy Qur’an that His Messengers have been appearing in different lands all over the world.

In fact He did not neglect any people or any country. The Holy Qur’an explains through various examples that just as God has been looking after the physical development of the people of every country, in accordance with their requirements, so has He blessed every country and every people with spiritual upbringing. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:

Chapter 35: Al-Fatir
[35:25] Verily, We have sent thee with the Truth, as a bearer of glad tidings and as a Warner; and there is no people to whom a Warner has not been sent.

Meaning that there is no people to whom a Warner has not been sent.

Therefore there is no question that the True and Perfect God, to believe in Whom is essential for every person, is the Lord of all the worlds. Furthermore, His providence is not confined to any particular people, age or country. In fact, He is the Lord of all peoples, the Lord of time and space, and He is the Sovereign of all the countries. He alone is the one , “All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds”.

Fountainhead of all beneficence and the Source of every physical and spiritual strength. All that exists is sustained by Him. He is the Support for every creature.

It is the universal beneficence of God which encompasses all peoples, all countries and all ages. It so happened lest anyone should have cause to complain that: ‘God has bestowed His favour upon such and such people, but not upon us.’ Or that: ‘So and so received the Book in order to be guided while we did not.’ Or that: ‘In such and such an age, He revealed Himself through His revelations, communications and miracles but in our time He remained hidden.’ Thus, by demonstrating His universal beneficence, He left no justification for such possible accusations. He displayed His virtues boundlessly so that no people remain bereft of physical and spiritual bounties from Him. He also did not treat any age as doomed.

So, when such are the attributes of our Lord, it is but befitting for us to acquire them ourselves. So, O compatriots!

This short epistle entitled A Message of Peace is being presented to you with all due respects and with a sincere heartfelt prayer that Almighty God may Himself inspire you and fill your hearts with trust in my sincerity, lest you misread this friendly gesture and consider it to be an attempt to gain some ulterior motive. Dear Countrymen! The matter of the Hereafter is very often obscured to ordinary people. Its secrets are known only to a few of the enlightened, who embrace a kind of death [for the sake of their Lord] before they actually die. The goodness of this world, on the other hand, is easily recognized by any man with vision and wisdom.

Click to access Message-of-Peace.pdf