Blind Faith – yet another form of not-believing



The scriptures of all Revealed Religions are; be they Noah-ides, Jews Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc whoever and wherever there are people claiming they are or they had in the past received God’s word, all included provide the sum total of the revealed stock of guidance provided by God to man- a common treasure for the whole humanity as against the atheism or not-believing who have received non.


Scriptures are Word of God, if they contain the words of God in the original language in which it were revealed, rather than meanings in the form of translations or different versions or interpretations of somebody or are written observations of a scribe/disciple /apostle or comments of simply a reader/writer .Science is the ACT of God depicted in the whole universe, not what the scientists say (scientists so often talk of theories, that are not yet science, strictly speaking, unless these are considered as Scientific Laws. The Scientific Laws are not creation of the scientists, they just discover with experiments what has already been created by God, they only verify with their experiments and close observations what already exists and created by God.

The source of Word of God and Act of God is the same i.e. one God-the Supreme Creator, the All–Knowing and All-Wise, therefore there cannot be logically any contradiction in both.

If there is prima facie a contradiction or difference, a gap in the two, then this has to be investigated truthfully and logically, the fault if any is of the humans involved. Either the Word of God has been wrongly interpreted/translated or interpolated by the humans or yet a Law of Science is in the process of making/not yet fully discovered. This would require reconciliation of the two with facts and one with the fault would be amended/updated accordingly .The religious people ,being human beings, are also prone to err, get carried away into superstitions , myths ,unreal mysticism due to their becoming over zealous or sometimes under pressure, the same is true of the scientific people ( not the scientists).

The faithful believes and has to believe the truth whichever and wherever and wherefrom the truth has emerged , with continuous search instead of the blind faith which is yet another form of not- believing that causes believing in myths and fiction rather than the facts. This is the system from God.

Evolution of human thought and progress of scientific knowledge in every branch of knowledge provides us ground to evolve our centuries old religious concepts, while every thing else is progressing , adapting to the new realities which surface due to new knowledge and technology, on the basis of undisputed facts brought by history , archaeology or sciences etc. The old concepts of clergy, theologians were mostly based on their limited knowledge of that time, which needs to be updated and not to be followed blindly as the new but real facts have emerged. Why to believe in the religious establishment when it is proved wrong.

The intention is not to provoke any controversy or to weaken faith of the Christians or it is not an attempt unnecessarily to convert them to some other faith. This is intended to make Christians a better Christians which fact is also evidenced by splitting of Christianity into some 30000+ sects.

After all there is some discrepancy somewhere. This is every individual’s own duty to do this exercise himself; others can only help, which is the true intention.
Since no conflicting debate is intended, as I abhor such debates. One enjoys and one’s knowledge gets improved by wisdom of the learned fellow human beings who think otherwise. With their wise and free comments other side of the concept is presented which provides one rich food of thought and rather than creating confusion one improves ones’ thoughts and beliefs which is only possible when we cross-examine our concepts with the opposing concepts. It is a positive exercise, there is no compulsion, and it develops free, logical and rational thinking, after all every body has finally to decide for himself. Everybody of any religion may therefore enrich us with his opinions and experiences and should feel free for that.

When one cannot reconcile science and religion one normally does not share or discuss such thoughts with others especially with the clergy, the so called religious people, imbued with extra zeal that normally happen to be very narrow minded and close hearted, not to speak of the opposing views, one even does not discuss within the same faith people. By and by such silent people sometimes become atheists. Most of the people (be Christians or for that matter of any other religion) seldom go to the Churches (or synagogues or mosques or temples), which shows that inwardly they have become dormant in their faith or nearing or turned atheists or not-believing. These peoples have to be “awakened” in the faith by providing them the amended facts, the God sent reality without man–woven myths, which is only possible by reconciling Word of God with Act of God or vice versa, in the light of and updating with the new undoubted facts which are common treasure of man, or searching the true word of God from the existing scriptures, also a common Treasure of man.


All believers of any religion have to make concerted efforts for revival of their faith to salvage growing silent atheists or dormant believers of the faith. The question is not of converting of a Christian to any other faith more important issue is of reclaiming the present Christian to the true Christian, Jew to a true Jew, Muslim to the true Islamic faith, Sikh to the true Sikhism etc, all bowing to the true will of God. To me, these are the natural allies-being believers in one God and must be loved.


Inter-faith dialogue or study of the Comparative Religions is logically done to bridge this gap- a man made gap between the Word of God (the scripture) and Act of God (pure laws of science). The decision again rests with the individual.


I love Jesus, Mary, Krishna, Moses and Muhammad.




I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim


2 Responses to “Blind Faith – yet another form of not-believing”

  1. exuvia Says:

    What if the Word of God (notice the upper case W and G) was different from the word of god (notice the lower case w and g) we find in texts. Is it even remotely possible that this could be so?

    Can we be sure that it is always the best ‘student’ in class, the one with perfect attention, retention and memory who listens to God and then pass the Word to others?

    The moment a single aspect of the Word is forgotten, lost, changed, interpreted or translated into the human text form, that Word becomes a word.

    It has passed the filter of the ‘fleshy mind’ and become part of this world. Speak that word, write that word, read that word and the effect, in proof of the essential difference to God, is distinctly different.

    Notice that the Word of God is all powerful; that it creates Heavens and Earths, inhabited and uninhabited; even Hells; seven of them if I am not mistaken, whilst you cannot even conjure up a glass of water with any religious text.

    Doesn’t that show us an important difference? That texts may at best be about God but never of God; that they are words but not the Word?

    I find every non violent text about God a beautiful reminder of something that must be found out alive; something indestructible, unifying, full of Love and Love alone:something invulnerable to natural forces like wind and rain and the sectarian psychological interests of humans.



  2. exuvia Says:

    I was hoping you might relate and comment on the above ideas. I would like to learn about your point of view.


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