Archive for August 3rd, 2008

Hi! This may interest you

August 3, 2008


This may interest you.

Jesus did not die on Cross. Please don’t mind. In my opinion he survived death on Cross, as he promised to show sign of Jonah. And Jonah entered the belly of fish alive, remained alive in the belly of the fish and came out alive from the belly of the fish. Similarly Jesus entered the tomb where he was laid after he was delivered from the Cross, in a precarious condition but nevertheless alive. Jesus remained alive in the tomb and came out of it alive. Since he never died on the Cross, there is no question of his resurrection from the dead. This has been proved by the PromisedMessiah 1835-1908 from several arguments from the Quran, NTBible , medical and the history.

Second Coming has already taken place in the form of the PromisedMessiah1835-1908 as was prophesised in the scriptures.

Kindly visit my blogsite for your comments and/or discussions on the posts/pages there if you like. Differing opinions are also welcome.

I love Jesus, Mary and Muhammad.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim



“Religion is a form of Child Abuse” – An un-natural and unscientific concept

August 3, 2008

Les’s Life Lessons Says:


I believe that religion being forced onto children a form of child abuse – I wholeheartedly believe that it is, and I am NOT alone on that one.

Religion comes with so much baggage – it’s full of dogma that forces a particular view of the world into line with other people’s view. It simply is not a case of right and wrong – we have laws for that – to which most of us believe in and adhere to. We do not need to go once a week to have those laws reinforced to us in a sermon unlike religion. For the majority of our society the following is true: We know them – we understand them – at least in principal, and we adhere to them.

Religion on the other hand is a view of the world, and indeed the universe as a whole. It can be argued that it is the opposite to the scientific version of the same. A universe where god is “universally” known to exist 100% and accepted as such, would be a radically different universe to the one we have, where only a segment of society believes this. Therefore it can be argued that forcing this belief onto a child without common cause for explanation or debate is a form of child abuse.

The baggage it contains is enormous – from intelligent design, to life-after death. It’s just not fair to force such heavily weighted opinions on a child who has no capacity to either debate or refute them.

Religion is a form of Child Abuse

Paarsurrey says:

I don’t think that the above is a correct concept. It should be compared with a language and other social behaviour a child is moulded into from the infancy. It is a right of a child and it parents that he receives his traits from his parents. If we favour one and deny another; that would be a most unreasonable thing to do, a biased approach I must say. The child learns say learns English from his parents; would it be reasonable to say that it is biased towards French or other languages and the child should not be allowed to learn any language from his parents.

Let the child learn all the social behaviours from his parents with love; it is his right and his parents’ right. Those whe deny this; their approach is most un-natural and unreasonable.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim