Posts Tagged ‘nonsense’

Do nonsense, non-reason and non-methodical all together define Atheism?

February 23, 2021

view paarsurrey’s post on RF.

paarsurrey wrote :vide Post #178  :

Various kinds of Atheism
#175 ^.
Can’t we sum up nonsense, non-reason and non-methodical and understand it making a definition of Atheism that is neither pegged with Theism nor with ism, please? Right?
Just a suggestion, please. Right?

Religious Forums

No worst nonsense than Atheists accepting “God does not exist” without any proofs and evidences

April 8, 2014

The viewers should access the following link to know the context of the discussion; and only then one should form one’s own sincere and independent opinion.

paarsurrey | April 8, 2014 at 7:59 pm

@archaeopteryx1 | April 8, 2014 at 4:34 pm
“What you consider facts, I consider nonsense. ” Unquote

I think there is no worst nonsense than Atheists accepting “God does not exist” without any proofs and evidences they demand so often from others; they believe in “nothing” for nothing.
