Archive for October 31st, 2008

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October 31, 2008

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A misconception – Kalki Avatar – goes out to kill all evil doers

October 31, 2008

Paarsurrey says:

It is a common misconception that the personage to come at end of times would restore the lost honour of those religions by going on a killing spree. The DivingGuides sent by GodAllahParmasherYHWh only to establish peace.It is the war-mongers who misinterpret it otherwise.

Mistake of Judaism:

They thought that Moshiach would come and fight with the enemies of Judaism to return them the lost rule of Davids and Solomon. Moshiach did come in the form of JesusChrist; the Jews did not accept him. Jesus pleaded so much but they opposed him tooth and nail; they said they would accept a DivineGuide of their Mullah’s (Ribbi’s) liking.

Mistake of Muslims:

Muslims still belive that they would believe in IssaMessiah who will kill their opponents with sword and this way establish their rule in the world.The PromisedMessiah/ImamMahdi has come but they have not accepted him. They have done as did the Jews; and this a prephcy of Muahammad.

The KalkiAvatar or Krishnas’ Seond Coming says:

Let it be known that most Muslims and Christians believe that Jesus (on whom be peace) went alive to the heavens; both these people have believed for a long time that Jesus (on whom be peace) is still alive in the heavens, and will sometime in the latter days come down to the earth.

The difference in their views, i.e. the view of the followers of Islam and that of the Christians, is only this, that the Christians believe that Jesus (on whom be peace) died on the Cross, was resurrected, and went to the heavens in his earthly body, seated himself on the right hand of his Father, and will come to the earth in the latter days for judgment; they also say that the Creator and the Master of the world is this Jesus the Messiah and no one else; he it is who, in the latter days of the world, will descend to the earth with a glorious descent to award punishment and reward; then, all who will not believe in him or his mother as God, will be hauled up and thrown into hell, where weeping and wailing will be their lot.

But the aforesaid sects of Muslims say that Jesus (on whom be peace) was not crucified, nor did he die on the Cross; on the other hand, when the Jews arrested him in order to crucify him an angel of God took him away to the heavens in his earthly body, and he is still alive in the heavens – which, they say, is the second heaven where is also the prophet Yahya, i.e. John.

Muslims, moreover, also say that Jesus (on whom be peace) is an eminent prophet of God, but not God, nor the son of God, and, they believe that he will in the latter days descend to the earth, near the Minaret of Damascus or near some other place, supported on the shoulders of two angels, and that he and Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, who will be already in the world, and who will be a Fatimite, will kill all the non-Muslims, not leaving anyone alive except those who will forthwith and without any delay become Muslims.

In short, the real object of the descent of Jesus (on whom be peace) to the earth, as stated by Muslim sects known as Ahl-i-Sunnat or Ahl-i-Hadith called Wahabis by the common people – is that, like the Mahadev of the Hindus, he should destroy the whole world; that he should first threaten the people to become Muslims and then, if they persist in disbelief, massacre them all with the sword; they moreover say that he is alive in the heavens in his earthly body, so that, when Muslim powers become weak, he will come down and kill the non-Muslims or coerce them on pain of death to become Muslims.

Regarding the Christians especially, the divines of the aforesaid sects state that when Jesus (on whom be peace) comes down from the heavens he will break all the Crosses in the world, do many a cruel deed with the sword, and inundate the world with blood. And, just as I have stated, these people, i.e. the Ahl-i-Hadith etc. from among the Muslims, are enthusiastic about their belief that a short time before the coming down of the Messiah there will appear an Imam from the Bani Fatima whose name will be Muhammad, the Mahdi.

He it is who will be Khalifa and King of the time, and as he will belong to the Koraish, his real object will be to kill all non-Muslims except those who readily recite the Kalima. Jesus (on whom be peace) will come down in order to help him in his work; and although Jesus himself (on whom be peace) will be a Mahdi – nay, a greater Mahdi – yet, because it is essential that the Khalifa of the time should be a Koraish, Jesus (on whom be peace) will not be the Khalifa of the time; the Khalifa of the time will be that same Muhammad, the Mahdi.

Muslims say that these two together will fill the earth with the blood of man, and they will shed more blood than has ever been shed before in the history of the world.

No sooner will they appear than they will start this bloody campaign; they will neither preach nor plead, nor show any sign. And they also say that although Jesus (on whom be peace) will be like an adviser or a lieutenant of Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, and although the reins of power will be in the hands of the Mahdi only, Jesus (on whom be peace) will instigate Hazrat Imam Muhammad, the Mahdi, to massacre the whole world and will advise him to adopt extreme measures, i.e. he will make amends for the humane teaching which he had given to the world before, namely, ‘not to resist evil,’ and, being struck on one cheek, ‘to turn the other cheek also.’

I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

True Mukti/salvation: cannot be different for Hindus, Buddhist, Christians & Muslims

October 31, 2008

Paarsurrey says:

By peeling off the outer mythical shell of different denominations of the Revealed Relgions of the world; one gets the real faith brought by ffice:smarttags” />Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad; which is the same for every human being.

If one is suffering physically for a disease; one gets the same treatment irrespective of which country one lives in. The Moral and Spiritual diseases; the sinful acts, in my opinion, must have logically the same ultimate treatment wherever one lives.

Christ/Krishna Second Coming says:

Epilogue: What is True Salvation?

Before concluding this book (i.e. Fountain of Christianity),
I feel that I should write
something about the nature of true salvation, because salvation
is the ultimate objective which followers of every
religion hope to attain.

But, unfortunately, most people
remain unaware and unmindful of the true meaning of
salvation. To the Christians, salvation means deliverance
from the accountability of sin, but this cannot be its true
meaning, for it is quite possible that a person may not be
guilty of committing fornication, nor of theft, nor of bearing
false witness, nor of murder, nor of committing any
other sin which he knows of, and yet he might be deprived
of the benefits of salvation.

Salvation, in fact, is the
abiding peace and happiness which man, by his very nature,
hungers and thirsts for, and which is achieved
through personal love and recognition of God, and
through a perfect relationship with Him—a relationship in
which the fire of love is ablaze on both sides.

But people very often try to attain this happiness through
other means which only serve to increase their pain and
misery in the long run. Most people tend to seek eternal
happiness in the carnal pleasures of the world. They indulge
day and night in drinking and fulfilling their sensual
desires, and end up suffering from all kinds of fatal diseases.
They succumb to trauma, paralysis, Parkinson’s

Fountain of Christianity

disease, kuzzaz,20 intestinal ulcer, ulcer of the liver, or
they die as a consequence of shameful diseases such as
syphilis and gonorrhoea.

Since their energies have been
prematurely sapped, they fail to complete their natural
lifespan, and it ultimately dawns upon them that things
which they thought would bring them joy and contentment
had, in fact, brought about their ruin.

Some others
think that happiness lies in worldly prestige, rank and office;
they, too, remain unaware of the real object of their
life and die with regret. Then there are those who keep
accumulating wealth in the hope that it will bring them
true happiness. But ultimately they also have to leave behind
all their accumulated wealth, and have to drink the
cup of death in great regret and sorrow.

I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

Holy Quran and authentic Ahadith in proof of Jesus’ survival , death on Cross

October 31, 2008

Paarsurrey says: has informed me that someone referred my blog via Search Engine Terms and desired of me to explain “sura 4:157”. The Promised Messiah 1835-1908 or Christ Second Coming has explained it:

Holy Quran (sura 4:157/158) and authentic Ahadith in proof
of Jesus’ survival death on Cross

The Promised Messiah /Imam Mahdi 1835-1908 says:

The arguments which I am now going to set out, might seem to be useless so far as they are meant for Christians, for these people are not bound by what the Holy Quran or the Hadith say on this question; but I state them because I wish Christians to know of a miracle of our Holy Quran and Holy Prophet; to tell them that the truth which has been discovered after hundreds of years has already been proclaimed by our Holy Prophet and Holy Quran. Accordingly, I set down some of it below.

Almighty God says in the Holy Quran: The Jews neither murdered Jesus, not did they kill him on the Cross; no, they only suspected that Jesus had died on the Cross; they did not have proof which could have convinced and satisfied them that Jesus (on whom be peace) had really died on the Cross.

In these verses Almighty God states that although it is true that Jesus was apparently placed on the Cross, and that they were determined to kill him; yet, it is wrong for Jews and Christians to suppose that Jesus did really die on the Cross. No, God created circumstances which saved Jesus from death on the Cross. Now, if one were just, one must say that what the Holy Quran had said against Jews and Christians turned out ultimately to be true. Investigations of a very high standard to-day have proved that Jesus had really been saved from death on the Cross.

A study of the records shows that the Jews have never been able to reply to the question: How was it that Jesus died within two or three hours when his bones were not broken?

This has led the Jews to put in another plea — that they killed Jesus by the sword, whereas the ancient history of the Jews does not show that Jesus was killed by the sword. The majesty and power of the Divine Being made it dark in order that Jesus might be saved. There was an earthquake. Pilate’s wife saw a vision. The Sabbath night was about to fall, when it was improper to let a crucified body remain on the Cross.

The magistrate, because of the terrible dream, became disposed towards the release of Jesus. All this was brought about simultaneously by God to save Jesus. Jesus himself was made to go into a swoon that he might be taken for dead. Through terrible signs like the earthquake, etc. there were produced in the Jews cowardice, and fear, and also fear of heavenly punishment. There was also the fear lest the corpses should remain on their crosses during the Sabbath night.

Again, the Jews, seeing Jesus in a swoon, thought that he was dead. It was dark. And there was an earthquake and great excitement. They also became anxious about their homes — how must the children be feeling in that darkness and earthquake? There was also a terror in their hearts that if this man was a liar and a Kafir, as they thought he was, why were mighty signs manifested at the moment of his suffering — signs which had not been manifested before. They were so upset that they no longer were in a position to satisfy themselves whether Jesus had really died, or what exactly his condition was.

What had come about, however, was a Divine Design to save Jesus. This is hinted at in the verse… i.e., the Jews did not kill Jesus — God made them believe that they had killed him. This circumstance encourages the righteous to place great trust in God, that God can save His servants as He pleases.

And the Holy Quran contains also the verse: His name shall be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the hereafter, and of those who are granted nearness to God. This means that not only here will Jesus have honour and eminence, and enjoy a greatness in the sight of ordinary people; but also in the hereafter. Now, it is evident that Jesus was not honoured in the land of Herod and Pilate. He was, on the contrary, disgraced.

The suggestion that he would be honoured during his second coming to this earth is baseless. It is against the divine books and the eternal divine law of nature. There is moreover no proof of it. The truth, however, is that as Jesus, having had his release from those accursed people, came to the land of the Punjab and honoured it with his visit, God gave him great eminence — here he met the ten lost tribes of Israel. It seems that most of these Israelites had adopted Buddhism and some had degenerated into idolatry of a very low kind. But with the coming here of Jesus, most of them returned to the right path; and as there was an exhortation in the teaching of Jesus to believe in the coming Prophet, the ten tribes who came to be known in this land as Afghans and Kashmiris ultimately all became Muslims.

So Jesus came with great honour to this land. There has been discovered recently a coin in this very land of the Punjab, on which is inscribed the name of Jesus (on whom be peace) in Pali characters. This coin belongs to the time of Jesus. This shows that Jesus came to this land and received kingly honour; the coin must have been issued by a king who had become a follower of Jesus.

Another coin has been found with the figure of an Israelite. It seems that this too is the figure of Jesus. The Holy Quran also has a verse which says that Jesus was blessed by God wherever he went… So these coins show that he received great honour from God, and that he did not die until he had kingly honour.

Likewise the Holy Quran contains the verse: O Jesus! I shall clear thee of these charges; I shall prove thy innocence and shall remove the accusations brought against thee by Jews and Christians.

A great prophecy this, which means that the Jews alleged that Jesus, having been crucified, became (God forbid) accursed, and thus forfeited the love of God, that Jesus’ heart, as the word ‘curse’ necessitates, turned away from God; that is, he came to hate Him. His heart became enveloped by a thick veil of darkness. It came to love evil and to shun good. It broke away from God and came under the sway of Satan. There was enmity between him and God! The same accusation — that he was accursed — was brought by Christians, but Christians, in addition, foolishly combine two contrary and opposite positions; they say Jesus was the Son of God, but they also call him accursed, and what is more, they admit that one who is accursed is the Son of Darkness and the Devil or is the Devil himself.

So, these were the dirty charges brought against Jesus; the prophecy contained in the Quran however points out that there was to be a time when God would clear Jesus of these charges. This is that time.

The innocence of Jesus has no doubt become established in the sight of thoughtful persons by the evidence of our Holy Prophet, for he, as well as the Holy Quran, have testified that the charges brought against Jesus (on whom be peace) are all unfounded. But this evidence was a little too subtle and too much in the nature of an argument to carry conviction with ordinary people.

Divine justice, therefore, required that just as the crucifixion of Jesus was a visible and well-known event, so should his purity become demonstrated in a manner visible to all and the same has come to pass. The innocence of Jesus is founded not on mere argument but has become demonstrated, in the most palpable way. For hundreds of thousands of people have, with their physical eyes, seen that the tomb of Jesus (on whom be peace) exists in Srinagar, in Kashmir.

Just as he was crucified at Golgotha, i.e., at the place of sri, so has his tomb been found at the place of sri i.e., Srinagar. The word sri occurring in the names of both places is very striking indeed. The place where Jesus was crucified was called Gilgit or sri, and the place where in the latter part of the nineteenth century the tomb of Jesus has been discovered is also called Gilgit, or sri. It appears that the place called Gilgit, in Kashmir, suggests the word sri.

This town was probably founded in the time of Jesus, and as a local memorial to the event of the Cross it was named Gilgit, i.e., sri; like Lhasa, which means the ‘City of one worthy of worship’; this word is of Hebrew origin, and suggests the city founded in the time of Jesus.

Reliable reports in the Hadith show that the Holy Prophet said that Jesus was 125 years of age. Besides, all the sects of Islam believe that Jesus had two unique things about him — things which are not to be found in any other prophet, namely: (1) he lived to a full old age, i.e., to 125 years; (2) he travelled in many parts of the world and was therefore called the ‘travelling prophet’.

It is evident that if he had been raised to the skies when he was only 33 years old the report of ‘125 years’ could not have been true, nor could he have travelled so much while he was only thirty-three. Not only are these reports found in the reliable Books of Hadith. They have been so well-known among all the Muslim sects that it is difficult to think of anything which has been more widely known among them.

Kanz-ul-Ummal (Volume 2) which is a comprehensive Book of Hadith, has on page 34 a Hadith from Abu Huraira: God directed Jesus (on whom be peace) ‘0 Jesus! Move from one place to another’ — go from one country to another lest thou shouldst be recognised and persecuted.

Again, in the same Book, on the report of Jabar, there is the Hadith1 Jesus always used to travel; he went from one country to another, and at nightfall wherever he was he used to eat the vegetation of the jungle and to drink pure water.

Again, in the same book, there is a report from Abdullah bin Umar:2 The Holy Prophet declared that the most favoured in the sight of God are the poor. Asked, what was meant by the poor? Were they the people who, like Jesus the Messiah, fled from their country with their faith?

Footnotes to Chapter 2
Volume 2, page 71.

Volume 6, page 51.