Posts Tagged ‘Janam Sakhi’

Guru Baba Nanak claimed to be a recipient of revelation from God

September 6, 2008

Promised Messiah 1835-1908 says:

In one Janam Sakhi he (Baba Nanak) states that he had received revelation from God testifying to the truth of Islam. Based on this he performed Hajj 1 and followed the Islamic injunctions meticulously. It is established without doubt that great signs and miracles were manifested by him. It goes without question that Baba Nanak was a holy and pious man. He was one of those whom God, the Mighty, the Glorious, made drink out of His goblet of love.

He was born among Hindus only to bear witness that Islam is from God. Anyone who sees for himself his relics preserved at Dera Nanak, in which he has testified to the kalimah 2: and witnesses relics that lie enshrined at Guru Hersahai, District Ferozepur, among which is also a copy of the Holy Qur’an 3, how can he ever doubt the fact that because of his pure heart, nature and effort, Baba Nanak had come to know of the secret that lay hidden from the so-called Pundits.

Guru Baba Nanak also claimed to be a recipient of revelation from God and he enjoyed the Divine blessing of showing many miracles. Thus he roundly debunked the erroneous claims that there was no revelation after the Vedas or that no signs were manifested thereafter. No doubt Baba Nanak was a great blessing from God for the adherents of Hinduism.

1. The pilgrimage to Ka‘bah, the house of Allah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

2. There is none worthy of worship except Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
3. Baba Nanak carried a copy of the Holy Qur’an in a small bag throughout his journeys. This small sized copy is termed Hamayal which means ‘pendant’ because many Godly people carried it suspended from their shoulders.