Posts Tagged ‘Gautum Buddha-one brave person to stand against the evi’

Buddha enviously branded an atheist by Hindus and Christians

September 15, 2008

Promised Messiah 1835-1908 says:

Gautum Buddha was one brave enough who stood up to achieve this goal. He did not agree with the erroneous view that the Vedas are everything and that there is nothing beyond them. Nor did he believe in any people, country or tribe as being exceptional. In other words, he did not agree that the Vedas enjoyed a monopoly and it was only this faith, this language, this country, and the Brahmans which had been permanently and exclusively registered in the court records of God to become the recipients of His revelation.

He suffered greatly because of expressing these different views and he was accused of being an atheist or an agnostic. Similarly scholars and researchers of Europe and America, who do not accept the godhead of Jesus, and whose hearts refuse to believe that God can be crucified, are atheists according to the Christian priests.

This is how Buddha was branded an atheist. As is the routine of the mischievous antagonists who incite the hatred of common people, he was made a target of many a false accusation. Consequently, he was turned out of the soil on which he was born and bred, the country that was his homeland.

Even now, the Hindus view Buddhism with disdain and they begrudge its success. According to Jesus Christ (peace be on him) ‘A Prophet is not without honour save in his own country.’* Buddha migrated to another country and gained tremendous success there.

It is reported that one third of the world is populated by the followers of Buddha. As far as the large majority of adherents is concerned, the real centre lies in China and Japan, but his message has reached as far as Southern Russia and America.

*(Mathew, 13:57) and (Mark, 6:4).

Paarsurrey says:

The comments are welcome here; even of those who differ with me.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim