Posts Tagged ‘Is religion or spirituality a function of time or place’

What is meant by India Divine?

October 30, 2008

It is said India is divine.

What is exactly meant meant when they say India is divine?

Do they mean by this that China or Japan or Australia or Canada are not divine? I cannot accept that as it seems to be a narrow and biased understanding not worthy of the Indians- a great people among comity of nations. The concept therefore needs to be corrected and truthfully thrashed out .

India no doubt has a right to be divine though not more and not less as do others must have a right to divinity. This should be understood by the Indian with a clarity of mind and soul. India should be divine in the same sense as should be others regions of the world .

Is religion or spirituality a function of time or place? I don’t think so. Soembody please explain if their concept differs with me. Is it given to understand by only ? Or they meant that if others are divine; India is not without divinity. Or India is not less divine than other regions of the world?

India must have its part in the divinity of the rest of the world. All these things need clarity of thought, my friends and borthers in humanity would agree with me.

If laws of the natural and phycisal realms are the same everywhere on globe, why these should differ in the moral and spiritual realms?

If an Indian travels and goes to Americas or England; does his divinity diminishes with his journey to other places or when he settles down there for good?

These and lot of other questions do usher in in one’s mind. Please make us wise with your input here.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

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