Posts Tagged ‘aloe’

Value of myrrh and aloe brought by Nicodemus -2

June 10, 2013

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad- the Promised Messiah (AS) has written a useful chapter on the above; I give here q  passage from his book “Jesus in India”.

The Promised Messiah says:


“A piece of evidence of great value with regard to the escape of Jesus from the Cross, which no one can help admitting, is a medical preparation known as Marham-i-Isa or the ‘Ointment of Jesus’ recorded in hundreds of medical books. Some of these books were compiled by Christians, some by Magians or Jews, some by Muslims. Most of them are very old.

Investigations show that in the beginning the preparation came to be known as an oral tradition among hundreds of thousands of people. Then they recorded it. At first, in the very time of Jesus, a little after the event of the Cross, a pharmaceutical work was compiled in Latin, in which there was a mention of this preparation along with the statement that the preparation had been prepared for the wounds of Jesus.

Next, this work was translated into several languages, until, in the time of Mamun-al-Rashid, it was translated into Arabic. It is, moreover, a strange result of divine intervention that eminent physicians of all religions — Christian, Jew, Magian, or Muslim — have all mentioned this preparation in their books, and have stated that it was prepared for Jesus by the disciples. A study of books on pharmacology shows that this preparation is very useful in cases of injuries due to blows or falls, arresting immediately the flow of blood; and as it also contains ‘myrrh’ the wound remains aseptic. The ointment is also useful in plague; it is good for boils and ulcers of all kinds.

It is, however, not clear whether the ointment was prepared, as a result of divine revelation, by Jesus himself after he had undergone the suffering of the Cross, or, that it was prepared after consultation with some physician. Some of its ingredients are like specifics; especially ‘myrrh’ which is mentioned also in the Torah. In any case, the wounds of Jesus healed up in a few days by the use of this ointment. Within three days he recovered sufficiently to be able to march seventy miles on foot from Jerusalem to Galilee.

Hence, regarding the efficacy of this preparation it is enough to say that while Jesus healed others, this preparation healed Jesus! The Books which record this fact number more than one thousand. To mention them all would be too long. As, moreover, the prescription is a famous one among the Yunani (i.e., those versed in ancient Greek medicine) physicians, I do not see any need to state the titles of all these books: I set down below the titles of only a few which are available here.” Unquote

List of books containing a mention of Marham-i-Isa,
and a statement that the ointment was prepared for
Jesus, i.e., for the wounds on his body click the above link to see the list and the rest of the write up.

Value of myrrh and aloe brought by Nicodemus

June 10, 2013

I give here a write-up written on the website <> for the benefit of the viewers of this blog:


“Aloe and Myrrh

Modern day analysis on the most ancient of herbs. Known for being applied to Jesus once in the tomb and assumed to be part of an embalming process, what role do these herbs play in the world today?

Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jews. With Pilate’s permission, he came and took the body away. He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds.Taking Jesus’ body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs.” John 19:38-40

For thousands of years the herbs Aloe and Myrrh have held special relevance in the Christian world. Even modern day encyclopaedias mention the events of the Crucifixion of Jesus in their analysis of the herbs. These herbs are mentioned as being used in the burial of Jesus, for instance we find an entry for Myrrh stating:

“Myrrh is a constituent of perfumes and incense, and was highly prized in ancient times. Myrrh was one of the gifts of the Magi to the baby Jesus in the story told in the Gospel of Matthew. Myrrh was used as an incense in funerals and cremations, a fact alluded to in the Christmas carol We Three Kings”( – online encyclopedia)

Other sources outline how Aloe was thought to have been used during the embalming process of the Egyptians 1 What becomes interesting, however, is what is actually said about the medicinal properties of the herb. It is often cited that one of its famous occurrences is in the Gospel of John during the burial of Christ and this event may have shaped people’s perceived view of its uses. Upon examination of its documented properties all sources talk about its remarkable healing properties. It is accepted that even the Greeks and Romans as early as 300BC were aware of the healing properties of aloes:

“Aristotle was aware that the healing properties of aloe would be invaluable to soldiers wounded in battle and advised his student Alexander III (“the Great”) to conquer all lands that grew it, especially the island of Socotra off the coast of eastern Africa… Pedanius Dioscorides, a physician in the Roman army, mentioned medicinal aloes in his encyclopedic Greek herbal De Materia Medica (Approximately around 75 BC). ” 2

“The healing benefits of aloe were recognized in the ancient Indian, Chinese, Greek, and Roman civilizations. It is traditionally used to heal wounds, relieve itching and swelling, and is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.” 3

Myrrh also is a herb that although often linked to Jesus and his burial was clearly recognised at the time as a healing agent. Aloe is talked about as having properties that help wounds heal and aid the reformation of skin, where as Myrrh is used more for anti inflammatory and anti bacterial reasons:

“In the past myrrh was used by many cultures for religious ceremonies and as a healing agent. It was mentioned in the Bible as a gift at the birth of Christ. The Egyptians believed in its healing powers: they burned it every day as part of their worshipping rituals. In the Greek culture when soldiers went to battle is was an essential part of their combat gear because of myrrhs extremely high antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It was used to clean wounds and to prevent infection. It was also used to prevent the spread of gangrene in already infected parts of the body. ” 4


Were the herbs not used for embalming the body of Jesus? From the sources seen so far the idea of embalming using aloe has only surfaced in the Egyptian world. It is thought that pharaohs were buried along with aloes. Was Jesus being embalmed? The problem occurs when Jewish burial practices are examined. Jewish burial involved simply washing the body and burying it, there was no embalming. For a body to be embalmed incisions needed to be made. This was understood by the people of the time, and for Jews to make such incisions would not be acceptable. Upon the advent of the passing away of Judah, one of the ancestors of modern day Jews, he is recorded as having stated:

“I die this day at the age of one hundred and nineteen years before your eyes. None shall bury me in a costly garment, nor shall ye cut my body to embalm it, but ye shall carry me to Hebron.” Having spoken these words, Judah sank into death.5

It seems unlikely that the aloes present were for embalming, also having myrrh there also in large quantities was not consistent with this hypothesis. If the viewpoint is taken that Jesus could possibly have still been alive at this point, and that Joseph of Arimithea and Nicodemus who were tending to him had knowledge of herbs, then the possible role of these herbs becomes clear.

Could they have been used to treat Jesus and to help him recover from his ordeal?

Modern Day Use

Today there is an increasing amount of usage of Aloes in products. Gillette series shaving foam now contains what the can calls “Soothing Aloes”, and a wide range of aloe-based creams and gels are available mainly for healing of the skin 6.

Perhaps the most definitive answer on the properties of aloes comes from a book written by medical experts. “Aloes: The Genus Aloe (Medicinal & Aromatic Plants S. – Industrial Profiles)” edited by Tom Reynolds represents the most details study yet in to this fascinating herb. Detailed analysis of the herb is presented and an entire part is devoted to exploring “therapeutic activity and includes chapters on aloe’s role in wound healing, skin cancer, and the immune system.7

Diane Gage has chosen to title her book on the subject “Aloe Vera: Nature’s Soothing Healer” and her text discusses the biological properties of aloe vera, explaining its power to heal the human body, and traces the ways the plant has been used throughout history.


Aloe and Myrrh appear to be ideal herbs for treating someone who had suffered an ordeal such as crucifixion. Their reported presence at the crucifixion does arouse some suspicion as to the events that followed Jesus’ removal from the cross.

Were they used simply for embalming or fragrant use as is traditionally understood, or were their excellent healing and antiseptic properties employed instead to help heal Jesus’ wounds and to aid his recovery from an ordeal he survived?”



The News:

One will, perhaps, love to read the following:

“Holy War”: Is it Armageddon? with its ” Peaceful Version”! 1

“Holy War”: Is it Armegiddon / Armageddon? – with its “Peaceful Version”! 1 | paarsurrey (

One will be taken aback to note that Armegiddon/Armageddon is nothing like as one would have imagined or known so far. It is not to be fought with any physical and destructive weaponry and or the lethal arsenal of the day. It is peaceful and in fact, I understand, it has already started and it is sown like a seed!

It was a debate between the Pauline-Christianity (represented by Mr. Abdullah Atham) and the Second Coming 1835-1908 , that took place in Urdu language and was published then by the name “Jang-e-Muqaddas” in 1893 ( 22 May 1893 to 5 June 1893) in the then British India and has been recently translated and published in English by the name “The Holy War”:

The Holy War — A DEBATE BETWEEN ISLAM & CHRISTIANITY — Jang-e-Muqaddas (


From: a peaceful Ahmadiyya Muslim


These are the days of Armageddon – the final battle between good and evil –The peaceful Version! 3 

Has Armageddon already started with the advent of Second Coming 1835-1908 ?– The peaceful Version! 2

The Christians should decide; are they opponents of Jesus that they want him dead on the Cross by all means or they are his friends and would see him alive?

May 28, 2009

Paarsurrey says:

Hi friend layrenewal

I think it is a usual thing with the Jews and also the Christians that people die on Friday evening; there is no problem for giving them a bath and arranging for the funeral prayers of the dead.

Jesus’ friends were concerned for Jesus; they were more interested in his treatment and getting him cured, the soonest.

I wonder why our present day Christians friends want to see Jesus dead! The Christians should decide; are they opponents of Jesus that they want him dead on the Cross by all means or they are his friends and would see him alive?

Jesus’ friends brought an enormous amount of aloe and myrrh; unusual for a burial; they wanted to make a preparation, an ointment, known in the ancient medicinal books as “Ointment of Jesus” for Jesus’ immediate treatment.

This also shows from the time spent on the purchase of these herbs, that they could have arranged giving a bath to Jesus, if they would have thought that Jesus was dead. Since, they thought him in a near-dead position, so in stead of that they cared for his treatment.

I respect your faith.

I love Jesus and Mary as described in Quran.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim


The above is my response to our friend layrenewal’s following comments:

layrenewal Says:

You are ignoring the simple but important detail of the Sabbath. There were certain things that needed to be done prior to the beginning of the Sabbath.

The women went to the tomb in order to perform those things that had to be “postponed” before the Sabbath.
Jesus appeared to many, many people after the Resurrection.

He did not appear to everyone. Note the words from Luke 16:31:
“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’ “

layrenewal on Jesus never went to heaven; rather, coming out of the tomb, he went to Galilee; — like an ordinary man, in normal clothes, with a human body

Jesus was given no funeral bath; which amply indicates that his friends knew Jesus was alive but in a near-dead position; needed immediate treatment

May 27, 2009

Michelle says:

[a] that Jesus really died,
[b] that He was really buried according to Jewish customs,

Paarsurrey says:

Hi friend Michelle

Sorry, I cannot take these as facts as:

1. Jesus never died on the Cross and he was delivered from it in near-dead position and hurriedly taken to a spacious tomb by his closest friends, who had not fled away from the scene of the Crucifixion, lest he dies.

2. His friends knew that Jesus had not died which is evident from the followings:

a. He was hurriedly taken to a spacious tomb. What was the need to bury him so hurriedly, if Jesus was already dead? Jesus’ friends’ hurry in the matter shows that they wanted to treat him before he dies.

b. If Jesus would have died and his friends would have wanted to bury him; they would have arranged the customary bath given to the dead as per the Jewish customs. No bath was given to Jesus; which amply indicates that they thought he was alive but near-dead.

c. No funeral prayers were offered; as there was no need for it, Jesus had not died.

d. In the guise of fragrance a high quantity of aloe and myrrh was brought; Jews don’t gather so much quantity of these herbs.

e. If Jesus was to show a miracle of physically resurrecting from the dead; his body should have been kept in the open before the Jews to see as to how he gets alive from the physically dead. When a thing has to be shown, it is not kept hidden it has to be in the open.

Please don’t mind my friend. I respect your faith but this is the testimony of the events. I am on Jesus side to save his life. I am not with the Jews to kill an innocent person like Jesus.

I love Jesus and Mary as described in Quran.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

Jesus; suffered on Cross for being on truth; yet in minority

May 17, 2009

Brooksrobinson says:

I’m sorry to say, but the majority of New Testament scholars no matter what their faith is, would disagree with Jesus going to India. In fact, all of them hold Jesus died on the cross as the Gospels state.

Islam seems to be on the opposite side of that fence, and on top of that, your on the opposite side on the Muslim fence. I’d like to see contemporary scholarship on the issue, preferably writings outside of your Muslim sect.


Paarsurrey says:

Hi friend brooksrobinson
I can only help you to research. In religion we don’t deal in minority or majority; we try to discern truth from the untruth, even if it is in minority, we have to side with truth and stand on truth.

We have to follow Jesus; from the time Jesus started his ministry in Judea to the time he left for India; Jesus was in minority in Judea, I think it is not difficult to understand by you and the viewers of this blog.

We have to act like Jesus, if he was a role model for us; he suffered on Cross for being on truth, but in minority; he was persecuted but he did not waver.

God Allah YHWH heard his humble supplications done at Gethsemane. God Allah YHWH helped him against all odds and saved his life. We should be thankful to God Allah YHWH that he cured his injuries inflicted on Cross, in the tomb of Joseph Arimathea.

We should also thank the intrepid physician Nicodemus, who brought an unusual quantity of myrrh and aloe, unusual for a Jewish funeral, to prepare the medicines immediately needed to treat his master, Jesus; it is mentioned in the Bible, you could see it in the Bible for yourself.

They, Nicodemus and other trusted friends of Jesus ,prepared ointments named in ancient medical history as Marhum Havariyyeen or Marhum-e-Issa; ointment of the disciples and/ or ointment of Issa/Jesus, for treatment of Jesus.

Jesus was definitely not in majority in Judea, I think you cannot deny it. Of course, when he resided in India peoples high and low, kings and common, accepted Jesus as a Divine Guide or Bagwa Metteyya or Messenger Prophet and he was honored and respected there, so it was in India that he was accepted in majority where he resided.

It is very unfortunate that Jesus’ absence in Judea prompted the cunning Paul and the sinful scribes to derail his teachings and his faith. Jesus never talked in terms of majority and minority; if now people resort to think in these terms; that mean they would have rejected Jesus if they would have been present at that time.

I don’t think any good Christian could afford this proposition.

Jesus supported only truth as mentioned in Quran. If Bible does not mention it; that makes Bible an incredible book written mythically and hence merits being denied/rejected; If not the whole of it, then at least the untrue one should be discarded, but only after proper investigation, which is always welcome in matters of faith /religion.

If you or any of the viewers here would like to research, he could access:

TheRandomGuy: Existance of Jesus PROPHESIED in HINDU SCRIPTURES 3000 years before his birth

In the Bhavisiya Purana which means “Future Happenings”, the existence of Jesus is prophesied 3000 years before his birth.

By the way, based on scriptures written, it is a proven fact that Jesus has traveled to the east, twice to INDIA (between the missing years not mentioned in the Gospels).

Also; you guys might want to check out the book “Jesus Lived in India” by German author Holger Kersten, a brilliant authoritative book giving evidence of Christ’s life in India.


I don’t want you to accept anything blindly; but if you have an open heart and sound mind open for truth, you may like to get convinced, if not, I don’t mind.

I respect your faith; you are at liberty if you insist to remain on the creeds of you fathers and grandfathers, if you prefer them on the truth.

I love Jesus and Mary as I love Buddha and Krishna.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

What is the significance of “Nicodemus (bringing) 75 lbs aloe and myrrh”?

November 11, 2008

Paarsurrey says: has informed me that someone referred my blog via Search Engine Terms and desired of me to provide the information as to what is the significance of “Nicodemus (bringing) 75 lbs aloe and myrrh”when Jesus was laid in the Armithea’s tomb after the event of Crucifixion.

I preferred to use internet search engine for ( nicodemus 75 lbs aloe and myrrh).

From the entries which came to surface, I have selected some to present before the readers of this blog:

Research Results

Nine Articles by Luis Silva – Jesus
… and thorax during violent treatment (75 … They refer to the 100 lb. Of aromatic substances which Nicodemus procured (John 19 … The Gospels mention that an aloe and myrrh was used.
o • Cached page

Newsvine – Yoga at school causes stress among some
Nicodemus brought 75 lbs of aloes and myrrh to Jesus’s tomb. What was this for? It wasn’t for embalming, Jewish tradition forbids embalming. Aloe is one of the best natural …
o • Cached page

The Society of Christ and Magazine
… close to six feet long (1,8 m) and weighed about 66 lb … us that in this Joseph of Arimathea was aided by Nicodemus, who brought with him about one hundred pounds of myrrh and aloe.
• Cached page

I clicked the second item of research: Newsvine – Yoga at school causes stress among some , the discussion took a turn and the item of our research became the issue:


What makes you think Jesus didn’t do yoga? What makes you think “god” is so limited as to be threatened by another way of approaching spirituality? And, what makes you think that the Christian doctrine of following the son to the father so as to be one with him is not similar to extinguishing the ego self into the Brahman state?
Why are fundamentalists so literal? I mean, really, what would Jesus think of such narrow mindedness and intolerance?


#29 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 11:36 AM EDT


Why are fundamentalists so literal?

I would suspect that there is something very tribal or “Us vs. “Them” for some people, both from the way they have been raised, and perhaps some biological tendencies as well. You see this territorialness in other animal species, not just among us humans. Also, note that some people love new ideas and concepts and experiment with alternatives, and other people such things make them fearful, creaqte what psychology calls “cognitive dissonance,” and they actively reject them. Maybe something biochemical, like variations in stimulus or pain thresholds?
#29.1 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 12:32 PM EDT


Yeah you’d think they’d be more understanding considering Jesus survived the crucifixion and travelled to Kashmir. Srinagar is a mainly hindu and buddhist city so I’m sure he was exposed to plenty of yoga before he died.
#29.2 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 3:09 PM EDT


I think you should check your facts
#29.3 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 5:19 PM EDT


Against what O’ Master of Facts?
#29.4 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 5:21 PM EDT


The Bible, perhaps?
#29.5 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 5:43 PM EDT


So that’s the big book O’ facts?
I like the fact that the bible says Jesus died only six hours after being on the cross. For death to occur this quickly the legs must be broken causing the victim to asphyxiate. Jesus never had his legs broken. No, Jesus “died” immediatly after drinking from a sponge filled with “vinegar”. Now, medicine in those days wasn’t nearly as advanced as it is today, but they knew about the anesthetic qualities of plants such as opium poppies and belladonna. Can you think of a better way to raise your savior from the dead than knocking him out and having him wake up again? Nicodemus brought 75 lbs of aloes and myrrh to Jesus’s tomb. What was this for? It wasn’t for embalming, Jewish tradition forbids embalming. Aloe is one of the best natural treatments to heal wounds. Why would you want to heal a dead body?
#29.6 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 6:15 PM EDT


But Jesus didn’t follow Jewish tradition. He worked on the Sabbath and constantly shot down the teachings of the Scribes and Pharisees. These people thought of Jesus as a king, and what better way to honor a beloved, murdered king than to clean and treat his wounds, and yes, embalm him? Also, there’s no mention of how long after drinking the vinegar he died. The vinegar was given to Jesus to drink by the soldiers that crucified him, to mock his thirst, not by his followers. And, to make sure he was dead, the soldiers who broke the legs of the two thieves crucified next to Jesus, when they saw that he wasn’t moving, put a spear through his side, so if he was faking he wouldn’t live. Even if he was just unconcious, a stab wound to the side, even a fairly shallow one (which I’m sure this one wasn’t) would most likely have punctured any number of vital organs, and he would have either bled out or died of sepsis during the three days he was in the tomb.
Nice theories, but they don’t really work out, now do they?
That said, I don’t think that Jesus or God would ever have a problem with Yoga, if anything Jesus taught tolerance.
#29.7 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 6:31 PM EDT


That the best you’ve got? Longinus the centurion who supervised the crucifixion of Jesus became a bishop in the early church according to the Acta Pilati. What a sweet deal, I wonder how he worked that one out? The original Greek word for the thrust by the soldier is nyssein. That word does not suggest a forceful thrust. The word means a light scratch, or a light puncture of the skin. It was a test for a reaction, not to ensure death. One of the best natural ways to prevent sepsis in a superficial wound is to treat it with aloe. Myrrh is also antiinflamitory and antiseptic. The soldiers did not give Jesus the vinegar people from the crowd around him did.
#29.8 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 7:09 PM EDT


John 19:40 “They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in linen cloths along with spices, according to the burial custom of the Jews.”
The burial customs of the Jews have not changed in 3500 years. The body is not to be touched except by giving it a ritual bath called a tahara, standing for purity and then the body is put in the ground in the quickest most simple fashion available with only traditional burial shrouds.
#29.9 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 7:28 PM EDT

The points that you are arguing seem very reminiscent of the 1965 book “The Passover Plot” by Hugh Schonfield.
That being said, there really seems to be little actual evidence one way or the other after two thousand years.
Some of the apocryphal suggestions that Jesus traveled into India and studied mystic traditions there are found in the 1908 book “The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ” Again, rather thin on evidence, I am afraid.
#29.10 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 7:31 PM EDT

That’s why arguments like this are so fun. With so little credible evidence on either side, I can match BS point for point. Watch:

Jesus is buried is a tomb called Rauzabal in the city of Srinagar. Local tradition states that the entombed was a prophet of Ahle-Kitab, or People of the Book, and his name was Isa – the Quranic name for Jesus. The prophet Yuz Asaf came to Kashmir from the West (Holy Land) in the reign of Raja Gopdatta (c 1st century A.D) according to the ancient official documents held by the current custodian of the tomb.
One book, Bhavishya Maha Purana (written in Sanskrit) contains an account of a king of India, Salivahana meeting “Isa-Masiha” (Jesus the Messiah)- a religious personage of fair complexion who was a foreigner.
“The king asked the holy man who he was. The other replied: ‘I am called a son of God, born of a virgin, minister of the non-believers, relentless in search of the truth.”
“..and I was called Isa-Masiha”
#29.11 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 7:59 PM EDT

That’s why arguments like this are so fun. With so little credible evidence on either side, I can match BS point for point.
That’s fine, but would you do us the favor or either referring to the source or providing a link? I find arguing to be much more stimulating if there is a reference. You never know where that will lead later!
#29.12 – Sat Oct 4, 2008 11:37 PM EDT

Note. For more detail on the subject, please view my following posts:

Value of myrrh and aloe brought by Nicodemus