Somebody please quote from the Bible; a specific verse of protection from corruption


Did Jesus receive Word from GodAllahYHWH or not?

If he received and he used to secure it, naturally; where is that? I am not talking about the NT; it was definitely added later, but it does not consist of Revelation, it is as our Christian friends say an inspiration at the most, if proved, and not Word from the mouth of God.

I don’t have to blame Catholics for the addition of six books (or some say it is 13 books) in the Bible; but it is what the Protestants or JWs and so many other Christian denominations hold.

Now some people insist that this warning of being cut off from the tree of life is only for the Book of Revelation and not for the whole NTBible or the whole OTBible+NTBible. I don’t believe this as I can’t find any other verse/s for the security of Bible from corruption except this lone verse, otherwise you know the JWs would have put up that before me when they visited me.They are very smart in this respect if you have any experience with them.

One of my Catholic friends has quoted a verse from the Bible to defend that the Catholic Bible is protected.

Here is the quote from the Bible that give the assurance to followers that the Catholic Churhc God will always protect the Catholic Church…. This includes the Bible as the Bible is a Catholic document.
And I also, I say unto thee that thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my assembly, and hades’ gates shall not prevail against it.” [Mathew 16:18]

Now this is clearly a case of circular argument. All Catholic documents were written after when Jesus disappeared from Galilee and went to India. There is no proof that Jesus ever said that to Peter.

Moreover the above quote does not specifically mention of the security of bible and its protection as does the quote of Revelation, I think one would agree with me in this respect.

So bible is not covered under the protection clause of Revelation, which is obvious even otherwise.

The quote also makes no mention of the Catholic Church. Does it? I think it is a guess of the Catholics only. The guesses never make facts. I would request my Christian friends to please mention a specific verse for protection and security of Bible from Bible OT&NT; otherwise it would be free for all the denominations to add or take out anything from the Bible.

I love Jesus and Mary.


I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim

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7 Responses to “Somebody please quote from the Bible; a specific verse of protection from corruption”

  1. thenonconformer Says:

    Here it is “No weapon formed against you shall prosper”

    but it applies to practsing Christians only..


  2. paarsurrey Says:


    This is only a general statement nor for security of Bible specifically.

    Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism have prospered. Don’t you agree?


    I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim


  3. jasgang Says:

    It is my understanding that all gods beside God are dead so, it cannot be said that we all serve the same god. The Bible tells us clearly that the devil comes as an angel of light, so don’t be surprised that his ministers do the same.

    I’m afraid that I must quote the NT Scriptures for it is the Gospel unto salvation. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world (people), that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” God purposely SENT His Son to be the propitiation for our sin. Hebrews 5:8, teaches that Jesus had to learn obedience. Matthew 4:1 says, “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.” Jesus felt the feelings of our infirmities. The Bible is consistent from the beginning to the end. We are studying the book of Hebrews now and it plain talks and expresses to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that although Jesus was, God with us (His Son and through living His perfect Will), He was not God, but man in every way, yet without sin. Jesus was tempted in every way, God cannot be tempted, James 1:13. Jesus died, God will has never, nor will ever die. Hebrews 9:27 says it is appointed unto MAN once to die, then the judgement. He had to learn and said that He could nothing in and of Himself,, but by the Father, He did not know the day of end, God is all knowing, in the garden He faced human weakness when He Said, “Let this cup pass from me . . .”, God is all powerful. He Said that it was expedient that He must go so the Spirit can come and live in the hearts of all men, God is everywhere present. Hebrews 1 tells us that afterward that God exalted Him to a level greater than the angels, but 2:9 gives us His description when He was man among and one of us.
    • The will of God will never take you, where the grace of God cannot keep you, where the arms of God cannot support you, where the riches of God cannot supply your needs, where the power of God cannot endow you.
    • The will of God will never take you, where the Spirit of God cannot work through you, where the wisdom of God cannot teach you, where the army of God cannot protect you, where the hands of God cannot mold you.
    • The will of God will never take you, where the love of God cannot enfold you, where the mercies of God cannot sustain you, where the peace of God cannot calm your fears, where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.
    • The will of God will never take you, where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears, where the Word of God cannot feed you, where the miracles of God cannot be done for you, where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.

    God said He would be found of us when we seek Him with all our hearts. That we should have no other gods before Him. God created us for His fellowship not to toy with. He has never had a tolerance for sin, but has always sought to provide a way of escape for His beloved creation, man. He gave every man faith, the ability to know right from wrong and to make a choice (what to believe/trust in), God or this world. God has not, nor will He ever, change. Sin cost, and God has paid the price, but it is a gift that must be received by choice. God did not create evil man, we did that all by ourselves. Since salvation belongs to God, He paid the price, He sets the conditions. He wants our undivided trust and hope. The Old Testament is full of stories of how God has led His people since the beginning of mankind, and as well, our disobedience to His guidance.

    I won’t try to tell you how wrong everyone else is, for you see, I’m not perfect either, but that is no excuse for your following what is wrong. You are doing all you can, if you are truly searching with an undivided heart, truth will be found. I am a student, not a scholar, of the KJV of the Bible. I have found that when I was looking for the Bible to tell me I was right and justified in my action, even though they were wrong, I found what I wanted. If not, one can just get another version or some other man-made concoction. However, when I ask God to reveal my wrongs by making the Word of God a spiritual mirror, He did. If we want to know the truth God will reveal it to us, guide us, and enable us to overcome. It is never easy, but God will see us through.

    I believe in God. He is not a figment of my imagination. He walks with me and talks with me along life’s way. Jesus was and is His Word alive. The Bible is His written Word alive. The Word and Spirit of God lives in His people today. The Word of God cannot be silenced, Isaiah 55:11 promises that His Word WOULD GO FORTH, accomplish, and prosper. We are allow every day the choice to pick up our cross and follow Jesus, or not. However, we are accountable for the actions of our responsibilities. Only God, is God, not Allah, not the devil, not money, not any man. I don’t know who Allah is, but he is not God or His Son, Jesus. He may be looked at by some as a god, but there is only One True and Living God, I AM THAT I AM.


    • paarsurrey Says:

      Hi friend jasgang

      Welcome to my blog and thank you for writing such a log post. Please explain in short passage the focus of your thoughts.

      I think you have not elaborated or quoted from the Bible, a specific verse of protection from corruption. Is there any such verse in the Bible.

      I think, there is none, as nobody from the Christians has quoted any such verse since I wrote my post in August last. I think this means that the Catholics Protestants and other Christians of more than 32000 denominations all accept that Bible stands corrupted. Do you agree with this ?

      I love Jesus and Mary as mentioned in Quran.


  4. jasgang Says:

    I do not believe that one tot or tittle of the Bible is corrupt. I do believe that man is corrupt and attempts to change God into what he desires God to be so that man looks or becomes in their own eyes uncorrupted. If John 3:16 doesn’t promise safety from corruption, I don’t know what would, if I were to quote more. However, the Bible is full of promise for escape, peace, joy, love. When Jesus arose from the dead freeing whosoever would from the bondage of sin, that to me is protection from corruption. man chooses to corrupt himself.
    What is corruption?:
    • literally means to destroy (from the Latin corruptus);
    • is not a rare phenomenon;
    • takes many forms with different types of participants, settings, stakes, techniques and different degrees of cultural legitimacy;
    • is not only about stealing: it can also relate to the abuse of power in decision-making processes. It is a form of behaviour that deviates from ethics, morality, tradition, law and civic virtue.

    Corruption may be defined as any conduct which amounts to
    • influencing the decision-making process of a public officer or authority, or influence peddling;
    • dishonesty or breach of trust, by a public officer, in the exercise of his/her duty;
    • insider dealing/conflicts of interests; [and]
    • influence peddling by the use of fraudulent means such as bribery, blackmail, which includes the use of election fraud.
    • Any person who directly or indirectly accepts, agrees or offers to accept any gratification from any other person to benefit him/herself or any other person is guilty of the crime of corruption. The person who makes the offer or inducement to another to commit a corrupt practice is also guilty of the crime of corruption. Although there is an active and a passive side to the crime, both parties are equally guilty of corruption.

    NO, I DO NOT BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS CORRUPT. EVEN BEFORE I TRUSTED JESUS AS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR, I HAVE ALWAYS FOUND THE WORD OF GOD TO BE TRUTH, LOVE (even our enemies), PEACE, FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND ETERNAL HOPE. You seem to be on a hunt for something that just does not exist. Can you find people who will say it is? Yes, but God’s Word is infallible!


    • paarsurrey Says:

      Hi friend jasgang

      I don’t know to which Christian denomination you belong to of the 32000plus denominations, I am told. I am right now quoting from the Catholic Bible, John 3:16~

      14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him, may not perish; but may have life everlasting.

      16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world, to judge the world, but that the world may be saved by him.

      Now just be honest to the text and the viewers; is there anywhere even the word bible mentioned in John 3:16, or a word for protection of the Bible.

      Dear friend, there is no word for protection of the Bible mentioned, you practically agree to it when you cannot quote from Bible in this connection.

      I understand you are a priest; I think you shall have to start reading the Bible again looking for a straightforward verse for protection of the Bible.

      If you say things which are not there in the text/context that may be termed as corrupting the Bible. May be you are trying to add words or meaning to the bible which are not there.

      Please read the Bible again and quote from Bible clear verse/verses for the protection of the Bible. I think there is none.

      I respect you faith; please don’t mind; we are searching for truth.

      I love Jesus and Mary as mentioned in Quran.


      I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim


  5. info wars Says:

    Breaking Geopolitical News…

    Somebody please quote from the Bible; a specific verse of protection from corruption « paarsurrey…


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